Friday, January 1, 2010

Onward To Pain And Glory. And Goatheads

While there is some risk involved with saying that I have a goal, and doing so publicly, I hope that this will help with keeping me motivated.  Best year I ever had biking was when I rode every day... right up until the part where I rode into a hole and chunked large portions of my body.  One sub-goal will be to avoid said holes, so hitting the real target of 365 days of riding should be possible.  Unpleasant for the next few months, but not fatally so.

I'll be posting every day as proof.

There's a 50-miler coming up in June, and that's just attainable enough to push me to get fit and fast.  Not sure Leadville will happen this year as a race, but we plan to camp at Turquoise Lake as often as we can to allow me time to get conditioning rides in.

Lotta 'me' in this so far - Tammy's training up for her triathalon (nailed four consecutive days of running 3+ miles this week) and she's choosing food based on her cravings, so we're eating really healthily.  Would be funny if I hit the best shape of my life on the wrong side of 40, but maybe that means I can drag out my riding into my 80's.  Who knows... I'm barely awake, and not trying for any sort of prose or wordsmithing.

Just want to ride. 

1 comment:

tammy osborne... said...

You are going to do this, I know cause I know you. BTW, I AM eating according to my cravings, unfortunately I'm been craving chocolate for the last two days.

I love you.