Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Work, Couch, Ride

Got home and found that our incredibly generous friends were still trying to find a home for their old sofa... so took the cover and bike rack off the truck and went and got us a  new couch.  Which completely failed to fit down the stairs, and had to be trucked down the side of the hill, in the dark, in snow to discover that it didn't fit through the sliding glass door, either. 
Some swearing and creative rotations later, it made it into the basement.  Lot of help from our neighbor, who ran out of his house barefoot to help once he saw the couch.  Great guy.

And then, after finishing off the andouille sausage and peppers over rice (yay, Tammy!) I came upstairs, managed to get all the way to my skivvies and realized that I hadn't ridden today.  Back into clothes, coat, hat, on the bike and around the block.  Hardly an epic ride, but beats a day without riding.

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