Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday Is A Special Day's the day we pull cactus spines out of my knee and have to go to the carwash to get the mud off the bikes.

Tammy and I did the Hidden Mesa loop thinking (hah) that it would be dry.  It was a total mudslide, complete with rocks, innocent bystanders and chunks of mystery stuff stuck in our bikes.  Sooooo much fun and so frustrating all at the same time - you couldn't get any rhythm going, you couldn't just spin and enjoy it, nothing but grinding away in the granny ring and watching for ice.

At least I got my first fall out of the way for the year and it wasn't a disaster.  I usually ride better after that.

And yes, my wife is cooler than yours because she kicks ass and takes names on a Saturday in the mud and looks ravishing while doing so.  I win.

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