Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I need to figure out how to post to this from my phone. 

Haven't fallen off the wagon yet, was just traveling and unable to update.  Monday night found me at a hotel in SLC, and impatiently waiting for the woman on the excercise bike to stop pedaling at 30 RPM (target heart rate: 4) so I could get my ride in.  After checking back a few times, and then vigorously wiping the bike down to get rid of the apathy, I made my first attempt at spinning.  Got 35 minutes in keeping my heart rate between 130 and 160.  Pretty good workout, even if it felt stupid to not be going anywhere. 

Yesterday was a repeat of the first attempt, sans the lady hogging the bike.  Went for 45 minutes last night and I'm feeling it today. 

Today I was just glad to be home and did a quick half-mile in the twilight and then called it good.  I greatly prefer a real bike over a pretend one.

Glad to be home.

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