Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Sweet Smell After Rain

The weather has been beautiful, with the rare blue skies that you only find at altitude... sun, light winds in the evenings and the sounds of kids playing outside til dark. Glad to be alive, gimpy arm or not.

The kids are all out of school, end-of-year camping trips over and done for Burke and Lauren. Nothing but the slow brain-death of cartoons beckons, and cereal can now be eaten for three meals a day, or until the milk runs out.

I got a ride in last night, so I'm officially through feeling sorry for myself. I may try and elicit some pity backrubs now and again.

I'll post a few recent pictures when I boot back into Windows (haha, I'm posting this while running Linux, I'm geekier than you) and continue to putter along.

Life is sweet.

1 comment:

Patty's World said...

You are so geekier than me!