Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bionic Man In Progress

I'm over my limit for surgeries this year, which means that I'm going to trust the doctor that told me to endure it for three weeks. Shoulder should be back to normal, or very close to it, at that point.
I'll have a cool moving bump on that side unless I opt to get it fixed. Playing 'Wait and See,' which is my all-time least-favorite game.

Worst part about being on the injured reserve list is that I was just on the cusp of getting FIT, and now I'm idle. I remember Tyler Hamilton riding in the Tour de France with a broken collarbone... I feel like a pansy.

That is, until I move my arm wrong, then I feel like a happy ground-level firework of pain.

Had a nice affirmation from the nurse in the ER, though - in pain and worried and all that, and still had a resting 66 pulse rate, which is not something I've had in 15 years.

Tammy's taking advantage of the time to ride daily, and is killing the hills and new trails they put in the neighborhood. Got a sweeeeeet picture of her bike covered in its own weight in mud one morning... she was one brave kiddo to wade through the sea of muck out there. Everything goes to horrible sticky mud when it rains due to the high clay content of the soil... she's lucky she didn't come home looking like a terracotta wife.

Back to work, lunch break rambling is over.

- Ryan

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