Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Healing Power of PBJ

Things are starting to feel normal again. My shoulder really only bugs me when I'm brushing my teeth (the jiggle-jiggle-jiggle of the brushing motion propagates up my arm and feels really creepy when the bone floats free.) The road rash is down to the odd pink spot on my arm, and the fluid on the hip is slowly being absorbed. No sign of getting a tan yet, but there is hope.

Been a hard year, but I haven't given up yet. Nothing has been more than a speed bump when all is said and done, and I still have the 'wanna' feeling when I see my bike.
I rode 50+ miles total on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, and felt great afterward. No shoulder aches, just the usual jello-legs and falling sound asleep with my arms over my head at 8:30 so that when I woke up a few hours later, I couldn't feel my hands.

Patty asked me to come up with a six-word memorial, and as much as I hate to write my own eulogy, I think this is as close to the mantra I try and follow as I can express succinctly:

Turn rocks over; never stop exploring.

Corollary: life is sweet. Play hard and find things to help maintain a child-like sense of amazement at all of the things that surround us.

I don't have a relentless thirst for knowledge in the sense that I'm driven to extremes when something piques my interest. However I do find that I'm happier when I understand the why.
I love things that enable us as humans (even if I never fully exploit the capabilities of said object myself.) Life is best experienced as a gestalt, all-encompassing event, not a series of compartmentalized and formalized happenings and periods. There is no 'kids as toddlers' phase in my head, it's all 'life.' No breaks, no sadness when an epoch ends - there is no epoch. It's all one big happy ball of being alive and having the best kids and wife and family and friends to share it with.

Understanding why Tammy loves me is the one exception... I'm content to let that remain a beautiful and perpetual mystery. I have to have a little wonder in my life.

- Ryan

1 comment:

Patty's World said...

Thanks for answering my post! I knew you would.

Stay Vertical...fight the gravity man!