Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lies My Camera Told Me

I'm going to try and resist the temptation to turn this into a photography blog, but...
with new camera in hand, I don't think I'll be able to avoid it entirely.

There's a lump under the blanket, giggling, but she didn't come out for the picture. Guess we'll have six more weeks of winter.

We get phenomenal light coming in off the back of the house in the afternoon. I left this picture of Ashley untouched, other than cropping it a little.
Turns out that Photoshop doesn't have a 'hairdryer' filter, sadly...

I've been asked to take pictures of the prom queens as they primp, lacquer the walls of the bathroom with hairspray and suchlike... Ana and a group of her friends are going as whatever the opposite of stag is. Doe, I guess? Can you go doe to a date dance?


Shot a ton of pictures, girls looked great, but since I still feel the urge to be snarky about having to shoot a bunch of girly girl things, here's my version of the event.


- Ryan

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