Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Pinkeye? Not so much. Kids just got back from the pediatrician, and it's looking like adenovirus.

I'll clean the post up later and add a some real content, but you should realize it's all just an excuse to post this picture. Be kind to us as we lurch and stumble up the street, eating stray dogs and whatever else our decaying synapses identify as needed sustenance.

On an even scarier note... we measured Sage last night. My childhood pediatrician had a neat trick - you measure height at 2 1/2 years old, then double it to predict the adult height. It worked within an inch of my height, and was about dead on for my brother and sister.

Using this, Ashley's due to hit somewhere around 5'10", Burke should be about 6'0", Lauren may reach 6'2".

...and Sage, you ask? She's a meter tall as of yesterday, two days before her un-birthday. Rrrraaaawwwwwrrrrr STOMP STOMP STOMP CRUSH.

- Ryan

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