Monday, April 14, 2008


One nice thing about having my own laptop is that I can finally keep all my music with me, in digital form. One not-so-nice thing is sharing a music library with three other iPod users in the house.

We have substantially differing musical tastes, which means that when I'm rocking along (that's pronounced 'rawkin' to you neophytes) I randomly hit the song equivalent of a surprised and angry buffalo in the headlights. Brake, spin, end up in the ditch...

(Yes, girls, your music is bad. As in cukka-poo. Once you're adults, you'll realize how smart your dad is and how his musical tastes are impeccable and the only true path to audio nirvana.)

No, mom, my musical tastes haven't changed significantly, I just have less tolerance for poor musicianship and poor recordings. Thankfully, there's still plenty of shouty music with which I can annoy you and dad when we move back into your basement. With all four kids and the dog. And maybe a pony.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how does your current musical taste compare to the years of total immersion in "skateboard music"?