Thursday, January 30, 2014

... and in the snow, there is cleanness.  Neat, patient layering of camouflage over scars, sins and the debris of a careless life.

The snow will melt, the surface will once again regain its stubble and uneven grain, and nothing of substance has been permanently altered by the fall of crystalline, transient beauty.

Which is truth, and a lie.

The blanket, the drift and spray was never the method of transformation.  The growth made possible by the watering of the soil will overcome the rest; and thus a moment of stillness and hope, even when known to be ephemeral, will become that which towers and shades and protects in the green stillness.

Winter forgotten.

1 comment:

tammy osborne... said...

Like the earth,
We ourselves can not grow
Without allowing beauty to penetrate
us deep within our souls.

Thank you for covering me with a blanket of everything that is beautiful.

I Love you.