Friday, May 29, 2009

I Wanted An Alligator But All I Got Was This Lousy Duck

Still in the process of converting the pictures from RAW... having too much fun to stop and mess around with post-processing nonsense.

Absolutely, insanely good here. Weather has been around 80-82 every day, occasional showers and also, occasional monsoon-level deck-clearing downpours, but they've been short in duration and get the bugs off the windshield.

Oh, yes, we're in Florida. I kinda miss the hectic fun of my projects at work, but I think I can suffer through withdrawals in the penthouse suite that my brother got for us.

More in a bit, have to go play now.

- Ryan

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Love Florida, love the sun! Will die a “deeply tanned” old withered prune of a woman on a beach! Looks like a great family trip, good for you’ll! We are hoping to make it out east this summer as well, but will be up in NY and NJ may only get as far south as DC. We are driving so hope we make it to and from with everyone alive! Speaking to each other is optional after weeks of travel in a van. Brian wanted to see if we could set up a visit either coming or going this summer. Are you all coming over to UT at all?