Friday, January 2, 2009


Back on the bike.

Found that while a series of 50+ degree days does melt the snow in the sidewalks, it does not guarantee a mud-free trail. Every shadowed corner was a magical journey to the land of primordial sludge... hence Tammy asking sometime later, "why is there mud in the kitchen?"

The basement is coming along - still have to sand and seal the floors, finish the windowseat and put up the desk and cabinets in the office, but that's small beer compared to the work already (and thankfully) done. Should have pictures up shortly.

Burke made it through his baptism in one shot, even though the water was, shall we say, brisk?
Great day.

Back to work - more to come, assuming no supervillans ascertain my secret identity and begin stealing my mail.

- Ryan

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