Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Locations and locomotives

Where does greatness lie?

In the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, there is often little heed given to moments of stability.  Much ado over change, chaos and uncertainty seems to be omnipresent, and yet there is no joy in being consistently balanced on one leg, Karate movies notwithstanding.
Greatness does not come with conquering nations.  Greatness does not find itself in the trappings of movements, causes or blind endorsements devoid of thinking.  Greatness does not lurk in the edges of madness and despair, but it starts to appear when the struggle to move toward light and singleness of purpose becomes all-important and all-consuming.  It comes even more to the fore when that singleness of purpose encompasses love.

Greatness lies in my arms and smiles at me and makes the world revolve, softly, as I sleep.