Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things I Have Eaten Today

A muffin.
A banana.
A lot of soda.
A CamelBack full of water.
A sandwich.

...and a LOT of my brother's dust.

Great, great day. Perfect singletrack, best company in the world (my wife, my kids and my brother) and one of the coolest resorts on the planet. Robert didn't make an appearance himself, but we think we heard him hollering, "GET OFF MY PROPERTY." That's how people say howdy in these parts.
Lauren took a pretty good hit, then got up and rode out the rest of the trail, as usual. Total TonkaBabe. Ashley did great, carving corners and eating roots like a pro. Burke knocked out a good ride with me and rode the ski lift round trip a ton, unafraid and fierce in his righteous pride.
Sage got a Tinkerbell playhouse to keep her happy while we rode, but ended up discovering the joys of feeding potentially disease-ridden marmots Oreos.
And, yes, Tammy made it out of the Sundance store without needing a sherpa to cart all of the awesome back to the truck. Plus whaling down the mountain like the World's Coolest Mom that she is.

Such a cool place.

I am tired and my bike is tired and my kids are tired and Rich is uncatchable on singletrack and is not tired (and on a rented bike, no less) so I'm going to go sit in the backyard and radiate happiness at the world.

And answer emails on my Blackberry.

Ah, well, the price of being employed... I can be happy about that too.

- Ryan
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Look Ma, No Fingers

While lacking that certain je ne sais quoi of pouring gas into a storm drain and then lighting it, causing seismographs in Ohio to wiggle madly and elephants in the zoo to think someone dropped a lightsaber... our experiments with flame and fury were, nonetheless, fun.

Rich graciously hosted us over the holiday, and the giant purple smoking holes in his lawn should fill in just fine. Eventually.

I hear the hammock in the back yard calling me. I must obey its summons.

- Ryan