Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Of Garages And Gunboats

I think I'm going to let the magazine article rest without any further discussion or lotus-eater navel-gazing. It's a huge part of who I was, and shaped who I am. 'nuff said.

I've been spending a few hours a night in the Augean stables of my life... sadly, unlike Hercules, I can't divert a river through the garage. Something pleasant about a relatively brainless task at the end of the day, and knowing that Tammy will be able to park in the garage makes it worthwhile.

Spent an all-too-short weekend with Reese and Rich (see, Reese, you got listed first. Happy now?) over the Labor Day break. I discovered a heretofore unknown talent for capsizing jet skis and was able to pick the most obnoxious, unrideable trail in all of Utah to try and climb on my bike. We're going to have to go back to Sundance and ride the mountain... such a pretty corner of the world.

Back to work, more this weekend with any luck.

- Ryan